Karina Jones is a real-life ranch wife in the Nebraska Sandhills and one of the most highly sought-after speakers in the cattle industry nationwide!
It’s Thanksgiving Week and I am thankful to have you tuning in to Ranch Raised.
Is anyone else as excited as I am for this week? You know what makes me giddy with the most anticipation? Having all my kids home from school!
I have never been one to stress and fret over the societal expectations of the holiday season. Maybe it is because of my rural isolation or maybe it is in part because of my DNA but truly what I choose to focus on and spend my energy investing in is my family.
Here it is Monday, and I don’t even know what we will have for our Thanksgiving meal and it doesn’t stress me one bit. We don’t have any big plans. Cattle work might even be involved in the day. What I know is we will have 5 great days together. No school, no distractions. Possibly some movie nights. I’m sure there will be some card or board games.
There will be lots of playing because after all I have a very busy toddler boy is always on the go. He has sisters that love to chase him around and have fun. So keep your mind the middle. Stay focused on the important stuff, the big stuff.
If you need side dish or dessert ideas check out the Ranch Raised Recipe book on the Your Ag Network app or website. There are sure to be some family friendly ideas that I would love to share with you! And while you are there check out the ag news and markets. I even have a special feature today on the Hot Barn Report!
Have a great day!

Karina ranches with her husband, Marty, and 4 children near Broken Bow, NE. She grew up in western NE, with roots also in southwest SD. The cattle industry and raising kids is her passion.
Watching the cattle industry go the path that it has gone, she could no longer sit quietly at home checking cows, fixing fence, and doing all the everyday tasks wondering when some else was going to make it all better. As she became more active and outspoken on industry issues, she was asked to join the R-CALF USA staff in September 2020 as the Checkoff Petition Campaign manager. That position transcended into her former role as full time Field Director for R-CALF USA.
You can hear her almost every Friday on Your Ag Network’s Hot Barn Report, where she deep dives into cattle industry issues and industry reforms. Listen to Ranch Raised on a Your Ag Network hometown station or www.youragnetwork.com where she talks about her daily life on the Jones Ranch.
Cattle producers are her people. She will meet you at the county fair, at the sale barn, or anywhere the dusty trail leads.
[email protected] or visit facebook.com/ranchraisedwithkarinajones
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