Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 57

Normal people consider summer, fall, winter and spring the seasons that they turn their calendar too. But, if you have ever spent much time talking to farmers to ranchers and you know that our seasons haying, weaning, ice chopping/feeding, and calving season. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 56

Thanks for making it through your holiday season and tuning back in to Ranch Raised. At this point I feel like I need congratulate all of you if you made it through the weekend without frostbite or any major cold weather complications. WhooHoo! That was a blast, I mean not so much, more of an arctic blast. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 50

How could the greatest story known to man be set in the most humble of locations, surrounded by the most non-descript creatures. Yet it be a story worthy to be told for centuries and undoubtably deserving of every award coveted in Hollywood. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 49

Maybe it is because of our remote, ranch living, maybe it’s a personality flaw, or maybe it’s because for much of our parenting years, the cattle market has busted our bank accounts and there just wasn’t much left to be spent on luxury items. But I have never been drawn to the commercialized, over buying, over the top gift giving scenario that has become the mainstream way of celebrating Christmas. [READ MORE…]