Ranch Raised with Karina Jones – Roast Beef Meal Ideas!
Leave me a message on the Ranch Raised Facebook page telling me your favorite way to use shredded roast beef to feed your family. Bonus points if you leave me a recipe to try! [READ MORE…]
Leave me a message on the Ranch Raised Facebook page telling me your favorite way to use shredded roast beef to feed your family. Bonus points if you leave me a recipe to try! [READ MORE…]
It’s meal stocking and calving season survival mode around here which requires special attention to meal planning! [READ MORE…]
So, this week on Ranch Raised, I am going to share with you some meal ideas I crank out during calving season. [READ MORE…]
Spend time with the family baking! If you need some recipes to get started check out the Ranch Raised Recipe book on the Your Ag Network website! [READ MORE…]
So get outside, soak up some Vitamin D! Take the kids to the park or start on some early spring yard work. But above all, make it a great day! [READ MORE…]
When you lay eyes on that sea of blue corduroy jackets, there is no doubt if you have ever worn one, that you are among some of the most motivated, engaged youth in America. [READ MORE…]
In 1925, Virginia Tech agricultural education teachers organized the Future Farmers of Virginia for boys in agriculture classes. The FFV served as the model for the Future Farmers of America, FFA. [READ MORE…]
Tune in this week as I drop some facts about this iconic organization that has helped build skills, confidence, and dreams into young kids! [READ MORE…]
To everyone from road crews, linemen, city workers, livestock producers, and all those that have to work in these elements to make this world go around, I am here to cheer on that internal fire with in all of you! [READ MORE…]
While this won’t be a drought buster by any means. For today, we will just be thankful for a good ole snow day and being another day closer to spring! [READ MORE…]
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