Hot Barn Report

HOT BARN REPORT: Monday Rundown

Hope you had a great weekend and got your Christmas shopping all wrapped up… pun intended… at your hometown main street USA businesses. Ventured into the megamart this weekend to pick up my new glasses at their vision center. I was debating making a run to pick up some coffee in the bowels of the packed store. The feller at the vision center wisely advised me, “Dont go in there dude!” Nuff said… [READ MORE…]

Hot Barn Report

HOT BARN REPORT: R-Calf USA Friday with Karina Jones

The beef supply chain is moving product at a healthy clip. Front end of feedlot supplies have tightened especially in the north giving feeders the leverage they have long needed to take back some control. Packers have hefty holiday orders to fill and for the first time in awhile they are having to get out and about to compete for some cattle. While $1.40 fat cattle is no doubt a move in the right direction it doesn’t even begin to compete with the rising inflationary costs of inputs. So before we all break out the cowbell and have a party, let’s keep in mind the bottom line of the cash flow sheet and what it takes to get fat cattle to their end point. [READ MORE…]