Karina Jones is a real-life ranch wife in the Nebraska Sandhills and one of the most highly sought-after speakers in the cattle industry nationwide!
It is the great fall debate! Thanks for turning your dial to Ranch Raised.
We know as the leaves turn and the landscape burns with hues of golden colors, one of the most polarizing debates will resurface. The stakes are high. Friendships are tested. The line in the sand is drawn, which side are you on?
Are you team Apple Cider or Pumpkin Spice? What did you think I was talking about? Politics?
I’m really not sure how we got here as a nation. Apple cider is as iconic as apple pie and apart of American history, but then a few years back the new kid on the block, pumpkin spice, showed up and has been trying to steal the spotlight ever since.
When it comes to beverages, if only given these two options, I am going to stick with the ole standby, apple cider. What can I say, I don’t want to break up with an old friend. When it comes to fall baking, I can make room for both in my oven and in my tummy!
That is exactly what I will be doing this week, right here on Ranch Raised. I found a Pumpkin Spice cookie recipe that I wanted to try a few weeks ago, but I didn’t have any canned pumpkin on hand. I am impulsive and didn’t want to let myself down, so I looked for alternatives in my pantry. Ah-ha! Applesauce! So a pumpkin spice inspired cookie became an apple pie cookie creation in my kitchen! Come back the next couple of days and I will share BOTH recipes!
It will be a fall baking double header on Ranch Raised!
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Karina ranches with her husband, Marty, and 3 daughters near Broken Bow, NE. She grew up in western NE, with roots also in southwest SD. The cattle industry and raising kids is her passion.
Watching the cattle industry go the path that it has gone, she could no longer sit quietly at home checking cows, fixing fence, and doing all the everyday tasks wondering when some else was going to make it all better. As she became more active and outspoken on industry issues, she was asked to join the R-CALF USA staff in September 2020 as the Checkoff Petition Campaign manager. That position transcended into her current role as full time Field Director for R-CALF USA.
You can hear her almost every Friday on Your Ag Network’s Hot Barn Report that is broadcast on 60 radio stations with coverage in 9 states, where she deep dives into cattle industry issues and highlights R-CALF’s work on industry reforms. Listen to Ranch Raised on a Your Ag Network hometown station or www.youragnetwork.com where she talks about her daily life on the ranch.
Cattle producers are her people. She will meet you at the county fair, at the sale barn, or anywhere the dusty trail leads.
karina@youragnetwork.com or visit facebook.com/ranchraisedwithkarinajones