THEE Hot Barn Report!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Andy Warhol once said, “The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that will.” Welcome to this REALLY special edition of Hot Barn Report.
I’m in a really sentimental, sappy part of life that I haven’t talked about on HBR. My husband and I are getting ready to welcome our fourth child, our first little cowboy, in the days to come. It was time to let you all know that I will be stepping down from the HBR air chair for a few weeks because I will have my heart and arms full in the rocking chair!
This stage of life has me really thinking about a lot. I have always said that I have felt the only calling on my heart is to raise cows and kids. It is what I would consider my legacy. It is the part of me that I want to live forever. And I know so many of you listening share this same feeling. It is what drives me and motivates me to fight so hard for the independence of the American cattle industry and the revitalizing of rural America.
The fight is right at our door. We are losing producers and bleeding equity. We are losing market share of the consumer dollar and leverage in our domestic market. The reforms needed to return profitability to rural America seem so obvious to you and I, yet those that we elect to represent us seem to huddle under the wings of corporate America.
But when I turn around behind me, in my own home, I see little eyes with big hearts that only see one future for themselves, and that is on the ranch. So what does that leave me with, I guess the will to fight what is at my front door. As I have said before, I don’t need to make it easy for my kids to have future in the cattle industry, but I do need to make sure that it will be possible.
I know I don’t fight alone, but at the same time, are we all fighting together? Do you have a next generation that you are fighting for? That is what drives me to fight for aggressive reforms to turn this ship around.
I am so thankful for the Hot Barns that power this program. Auction markets are the corner stone of economic activity in their communities. They are the gathering place for like-minded producers. And it helps when they have a sale barn café that serves the best hot beef and pie around. Our auction markets too are fighting for a legacy, not only for their own business, but for their communities and the legacy of your operation! They love seeing young families enter those doors with little ones in tow and they have deep respect for those that sit in the front seats with lines on their hands and faces that tell of the decades that they have fought to stay in the cattle industry.
So legacy looks like something, for all of us! Let’s keep up the fight together! Let’s give a shout out to these Hot Barns that support the American cattle industry: Stockmens livestock, Lemmon livestock, North Platte Stockyards, St. Onge/Newell, Platte Livestock Market, Tri County Stockyards, Torrington Livestock, Creighton Livestock Market, Bassett Livestock Auction, Mobridge Livestock, Ogallala Livestock Auction Market, and Presho Livestock. Catch them all on CattleUSA.com. And I will catch back up with all of you in a few weeks!
Welcome to another edition of the epic saga known as the Hot Barn Report
We continue to expand to new towns like Waverly Iowa, Sturgis South Dakota, Hettinger North Dakota and Broken Bow Nebraska. If you think your local salebarn has the right stuff to be a HBR “price discovery” reporting barn email Monte James at [email protected].
The ALL STAR lineup
🔥Stockmen’s Livestock – Fat Cattle TUESDAY & Feeders on WEDNESDAY
🔥Platte Livestock Market – Hogs, Sheep & Goats on MONDAY & Feeders on WEDNESDAY
🔥Creighton Livestock Market – Feeder Calf Sale TUESDAY
🔥Bassett Livestock Auction – WEDNESDAY Sales
🔥North Platte Stockyards – Sales on TUESDAY
🔥Ogallala Livestock Auction Market – Sales on WEDNESDAY
🔥Lemmon Livestock, INC. – Sales on WEDNESDAY
🔥Mobridge Livestock – Sales on TUESDAY & THURSDAY
🔥Presho Livestock Auction – Sales on THURSDAY & MONTHLY horse sale
🔥Torrington Livestock – Sales on FRIDAY
🔥Buy ’em up online at CattleUSA.com
The HOTTEST sale barns in America
As always buy ’em up online at CattleUSA.com