THEE Hot Barn Report!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!!
Welcome to America’s Hot Barn Report now heard coast to coast and border to border
It is official, we have just confirmed our 12th reporting barn for the big fall run. We now blanket the great Northern beef belt from Motely, Minnesota to Torrington, Wyoming.
The Hot Barn Report is a fast paced and entertaining daily program covering the latest news and trends in the cattle industry, hosted by Monte James, a veteran rodeo announcer, radio host and industry expert! The Hot Barn Report features interviews with industry leaders, market analysts, producers and ranchers and features True Price Discovery from salebarns in Great Northern Beef Belt and across the nation.
Good border control makes good neighbors. Welcome to this special Friday edition of the Hot Barn Report.
According to the US Department of Justice, “A 69-year-old Laredo, TX man has been ordered to federal prison for accepting bribes from Mexican cattle brokers.
Roberto Adams pleaded guilty and was ordered to serve a total of 57 months in federal prison to be immediately followed by three years of supervised release. The sentence was enhanced because he accepted more than one bribe payment while in a position of public trust. In handing down the sentence, the court noted Adams did not understand the gravity of the crime he committed and the significance of the harm he did or could have caused by allowing diseased cattle into the country. He was also ordered to immediately pay $40,000 in fines. At the time of his plea, Adams admitted he accepted over $40,000 in bribe payments from Mexican cattle brokers while acting in his official position as a USDA employee. In return, he allowed cattle to enter the United States without proper quarantine or inspection.”
In addition, we know that the USDA just closed a rulemaking on the federal register where the Peruvian government is begging the USDA to take their beef again. We’ve haven’t sent an inspector to Peru in 10 years to see if they have their Foot & Mouth Disease situation under control, so why would we even consider taking their beef.
We continue to set record import rates of beef and live cattle from around the world. Which common sense would tell us comes with its own basket of biosecurity risks.
So what’s the government’s answer to it all? Well, place a National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility right in the heart of cattle country, at Manhattan, KS. Then we just live on hopes and prayers that everyone who comes and goes washes their hands and keeps the bad bugs on the inside of the facility. If that fails, the USDA’s second line of proposed defense is to mandate cattle producers use USDA RFID ear tags. But, by their own account this mandate would only apply to around 11% of our cattle inventory, so that seems like a half “ehem” hearted attempt.
Maybe the problem and the solution still lies at the BORDER!
Hot markets and awesome customer service at our Diamond Dozen Hot Barns: Stockmens Livestock, Lemmon Livestock, North Platte Stockyards, St. Onge/Newell, Platte Livestock Market, Tri County Stockyards, Torrington Livestock, Creighton Livestock Market, Bassett Livestock Auction, Mobridge Livestock, Ogallala Livestock Auction Market, and Presho Livestock. Catch them all on CattleUSA.com.
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NOW AIRING ON AgriAmerica M-F 8:20AM