THEE Hot Barn Report!!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Welcome to America’s Hot Barn Report now heard coast to coast and border to border
It is official, we have just confirmed our 12th reporting barn for the big fall run. We now blanket the great Northern beef belt from Motely, Minnesota to Torrington, Wyoming.
If you put an apple in the toaster how many cats will it take to change a lightbulb?
Thanks for tuning in to this special edition of the Hot Barn Report.
The more I watch the actions of Washington DC the more I wonder if our nation would be better off led by a pack of squirrels! And before anyone starts, believe me, this has nothing to do with D versus R. Our nation’s government has become so big and so ripe with corruption the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing, and we are stuck in bureaucratic paralysis.
We have corporations that are now able to sponsor USDA programs so they can call the shots and have their name in lights. We have far elevated the trading relationships with other countries above our domestic ag, food, and manufacturing producers. The way we hand out money to other nations we appear to the global ATM machine!
So, it seems lawmakers have handed the power over to government agencies to decide the rules so that they don’t have to bite the hand that feeds them, namely powerful corporations and lobbing organizations.
This week’s news of the USDA’s proposed rulemaking process regarding the voluntary “Product of USA” label couldn’t be better affirmation of what I have mentioned. Seriously, how many comment periods have we had on this issue? How many petitions have been filed on this issue? At the time I recorded this the proposed rules were not even on the Federal Register yet, but people seem to be cheering on Secretary Vilsack on the national media stage when doubt they have even read the black and white! Oh, and like so many rulemakings, there is no guarantee that anything will ever be put into statute.
Keep digging around the Federal Register and you will ask yourself, “how is this even happening in my country?” There is a proposed USDA rulemaking going on right now regarding the school lunch program. Section 13 is the Buy American section. Really?!?! We have to have a rulemaking to force ourselves to buy American foods and food products to feed our own kids at school? Shouldn’t that be implied? Shouldn’t we be doing that anyway? Don’t worry, I share the loopholes that I found in that rulemaking on my From Washington radio program this week, which you can find on the Your Ag Network app or website.
At every turn I keep looking for the day that Washington DC will stand for Americans because we desperately need it! The laws we can’t get passed and the ones that do have me so confused as to how DC can get it so wrong. Rulemakings, petitions, layers of processes that do nothing but run the clock down on America and drain not the swamp but any hope the public has. Why do they make it all so complicated?
Let’s give a shoutout to these Diamond Dozen Hot Barns that power this program: Stockmens Livestock, Lemmon Livestock, North Platte Stockyards, St. Onge/Newell, Platte Livestock Market, Tri County Stockyards, Torrington Livestock, Creighton Livestock Market, Bassett Livestock Auction, Mobridge Livestock, Ogallala Livestock Auction Market, and Presho Livestock. Catch them all on CattleUSA.com.
Higher Standards for “Product of USA” Meat Proposed by White House “If it says ‘Made in the USA,’ then it should be from cattle that have only known USA soil. Consumers have the right to know where their food comes from, full stop,” U.S. Cattlemen’s Association president Justin Tupper said in a statement.
USDA ruling follows Rounds-led congressional effort to close labeling loophole. “Integrity has been restored to the ‘Product of USA’ label,” U.S. Senator Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) said. “For years, we’ve called on the USDA to take action to stop foreign beef from receiving the ‘Product of USA’ label. Our work is finally paying off.
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NOW AIRING ON AgriAmerica M-F 8:20AM