Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 135

This time of year we are all looking for those classic spring flavors and sides. Asparagus has got to be one of those iconic veggies that I think of this time of year. Long stalks of tender greens grilled on the side of a juice steak. Leftovers thrown into pasta dishes or with other roasted veggies. And who doesn’t like pickled asparagus as a change of pace? [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 132

Balancing that parent and ranch life this time of year can be challenging. Yesterday was a perfect example. My husband and I were back and forth and all-over weaning fall calves. The girls were on their own to get their own projects done and keep themselves occupied and out of trouble. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 129

If you are a gardener, especially in the Midwest, I’m sure you have your seed potatoes ready to go , to put in the ground, tomorrow, on Good Friday! The Farmer’s Almanac has great information on the Good Friday potato lore. Generations have used Good Friday as the right time to plant crops like potatoes and cool season veggies. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 128

You know that one of the most untapped resources is inside of our local greenhouses and seed stores? THE PEOPLE! The thing about dirt loving, seed starting, flower growing people, it they are an open book and would love to share with you whatever you don’t know. You just have to ask. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 127

I am lucky to live in an area, albeit rural, where I have multiple greenhouses within my county and pretty awesome ones at that. I have come to value these greenhouses as much as the community grocery store or gas station. Infact, I believe they are vital to our communities. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 126

This weekend my two youngest and I got to do something that we love, going to our local greenhouse and getting our hands in some dirt! We are blessed to have a greenhouse that offers different classes and we take full advantage. [READ MORE…]