Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 168

It has done my soul a lot of good to see the upper midwest get the moisture they have been longing for. Unfortunately, some of these storms have packed a powerful punch recently with damaging winds and hail. The wheat in western Nebraska, that was within 6-8 weeks of harvest has been knocked into the dirt. Tender corn and soybeans have been brutally beaten before it even had much of a chance. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 167

Without volunteers we would be a nation without a soul! After talking about our awesome experience at a cattle show we recently attended and with so many livestock shows and rodeos going on this summer it got me thinking more about how we can show our appreciation to the volunteers and committees that spend hours of their time, energy, and own resources pouring into events to entertain people and provide our ag community a place to do what they love. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 165

Spring brings lots of cool season veggies, but around our place it also brings more eggs! My little motley crew barnyard flock really kicks it in to gear laying eggs as they are out foraging and enjoying the creepy crawlies and greenery this time of year. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 164

I’m just going to be quite honest today and admit that I do not have all of my garden planted. Infact, I really only have my cool season crops in. We are in for another mild week of temps here, so I planted my second round of radishes and beets yesterday. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 162

I want to thank MultiMin for riding alongside me during May as the exclusive Ranch Raised sponsor. As I told you a few weeks ago, we are loyal MultiMin users here on the Jones Ranch and have been for years. Please talk to your local vet about how MultiMin can benefit your herd or check out MultiMinUSA.com [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 160

It is clear that beef is a favorite protein and meal staple, but cattle provide you SO much beyond that ground round and sirloin, that I bet you have never even considered. The other by-products of cattle are just as amazing as the red meat they produce. [READ MORE…]