Ranch Raised with Karina Jones – Get them outside to play!
According to the Child Mind Institute the average American child is in front of a screen 5-8 hours a day and is only outside engaging in unstructured play 4-7 minutes a day.
According to the Child Mind Institute the average American child is in front of a screen 5-8 hours a day and is only outside engaging in unstructured play 4-7 minutes a day.
I’m saying a big ole thank you to everyone who is doing their part to do their best today. It is just all so awesome, and it warms this gal’s heart in a big way! So don’t forget to spread kindness and thanks to those around you today!
And then I am reminded that so long ago, in a land far away. There was a plain ole barn, full of a menagerie of animals, just like this, where the greatest gift of all time was born. And it reminds me that we are exactly where we need to be.
Merry Christmas from our barn to yours!
This time of year, we start every morning with a drops of peppermint essential oil in our coffee grounds, so I for one appreciate the American peppermint farmer! [READ MORE…]
December 21 is national Ribbon Candy Day. If there is a candy that reminiscent of simpler times and humble holiday eras, I think ribbon candy is a close second to the candy cane. [READ MORE…]
Christmas is Christmas all around the world, right? Except I feel like Christmas is different when you raise cows. [READ MORE…]
Santa for Christmas this year my list might be long,
But why don’t you be a dear and just play along. [READ MORE…]
As I sit down at the end of a very long day,
I decided to let Santa know what this ranch wife had to say. [READ MORE…]
This time of year, we start every morning with a drops of peppermint essential oil in our coffee grounds, so I for one appreciate the American peppermint farmer! [READ MORE…]
Does anyone else find a simple candy cane as nostalgic as I do? [READ MORE…]
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