Ranch Raised – Episode 152
Welcome to “Psycho Spring” here on Ranch Raised! It is the farm and ranch season of life where we need 40 hours in a day and 10 days in a week to get everything done! [READ MORE…]
Welcome to “Psycho Spring” here on Ranch Raised! It is the farm and ranch season of life where we need 40 hours in a day and 10 days in a week to get everything done! [READ MORE…]
THEE Hot Barn Report! Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com! [READ MORE…]
The girls and I broke away for a day to step outside of their comfort zone and into a new arena to do something they have never done before. They competed in their first ever JABGA and ABGA goat shows. That stands for American Boer Goat Assocation. [READ MORE…]
THEE Hot Barn Report! Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com! [READ MORE…]
As the head cook in the house, this also means that I am basically the family nutritionist. I know that I need to place the majority of my focus on whole foods that pack a nutritional punch. I can always count on beef to be that powerful protein source that is amazing for the growing brains and bodies around my table! [READ MORE…]
I smell a fish in cattle country! Welcome to this Friday edition of Hot Barn Report! My grandma used to say, “always trust your nose!” And I can tell you that something is foul in this cattle industry! [READ MORE…]
We’ve got a bad case of spring itch and I’m not talking about the cows! I don’t know about you, but I have some kids that are just itchin’ to get out of school. I’m pretty sure they are squirming in their seats, gazing out of the windows, with no mind on reading and ‘rithmatic. [READ MORE…]
Your Source For The Latest RODEO NEWS Following Heartland PRCA Athletes With Host Monte James. Fast paced, professionally produced, weekly radio show that follows Midwestern PRCA Rodeo Athletes throughout the year & all the way to the National Finals Rodeo! [READ MORE…]
THEE Hot Barn Report! Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com! [READ MORE…]
Here is something proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission that will cost family farms and small business agriculture a lot of time and money. They want to require corporations to report on greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chain. [READ MORE…]
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