THEE Hot Barn Report!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Ogallala Livestock is out with the crew from Bassett Livestock Auction and Torrington Livestock Market for the Western Video Market auction going down today and tomorrow at Little America in Cheyenne Wyoming. https://www.wvmcattle.com/
Hogs, sheep and goatsters today at Platte Livestock Market with a regular sale goin down on Wednesday
Regular sale this week at Lemmon Livestock Tuesday
Fed cattle on Tuesday at Stockmen’s Livestock and a big run of feeders on Wednesday with big runs coming in to from Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, and the Dakota Twins
Well tell you about Presho, Mobridge and find the true meaning of price discovery late in the week
Welcome to another edition of the epic saga known as the Hot Barn Report
We continue to expand to new towns like Waverly Iowa, Sturgis South Dakota, Hettinger North Dakota and Broken Bow Nebraska. If you think your local salebarn has the right stuff to be a HBR “price discovery” reporting barn email Monte James at mjames@youragnetwork.com.
The ALL STAR lineup
Stockmen’s Livestock – Fat Cattle TUESDAY & Feeders on WEDNESDAY
Platte Livestock Market – Hogs, Sheep & Goats on MONDAY & Feeders on WEDNESDAY
Creighton Livestock Market – Feeder Calf Sale TUESDAY
Bassett Livestock Auction – WEDNESDAY Sales
North Platte Stockyards – Sales on TUESDAY
Ogallala Livestock Auction Market – Sales on WEDNESDAY
Lemmon Livestock, INC. – Sales on WEDNESDAY
Mobridge Livestock – Sales on TUESDAY & THURSDAY
Presho Livestock Auction – Sales on THURSDAY & MONTHLY horse sale
Torrington Livestock – Sales on FRIDAY
Buy ’em up online at CattleUSA.com
The HOTTEST sale barns in America
As always buy ’em up online at CattleUSA.com