From Washington with Karina Jones – Christmas for a Ranch Wife!

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From Washington with Karina Jones - Christmas for a Ranch Wife!

From Washington with Karina Jones is brought to you by one of the nation’s largest automotive websites!

Karina Jones is a real-life ranch wife in the Nebraska Sandhills, former Field Director for R-CalfUSA and one of the most highly sought-after speakers in the cattle industry nationwide!

Christmas for a Ranch Wife! 

Good Day everyone in farm and ranch country. Since Congress and Washington DC are Christmas break, I decided that we too should kick back and offer a little lighter listening fare this week. So enjoy a glimpse into my life as a ranch wife!  

I call this one, “Christmas for a Ranch Wife!” 

As I sit down at the end of a very long day, 

I decided to let Santa know what this ranch wife had to say. 

I want some of the dishes like seen on the movie, Beauty & The Beast. 

The kind that wash themselves, they don’t need to dance and sing, I could care about that the least. 

Into my freezer just throw a casserole or two. 

Certainly, the elves know how to whip up some enchiladas or beef stew. 

All joking aside I need a new chore coat. 

I caught it on my saddle horn and ripped it from my waist on up to my throat. 

And if we are talking some big items just for a surprise 

A 6 person hot tub would be just my size. 

If I were to error on the side of things that I need  

I should really be asking for a new washer & dryer to bring my never ending laundry situation up to speed. 

While we are talking about the laundry situation, 

Go ahead and dump a sleigh full of pairs of socks here, no need for fancy presentation. 

Then take all these mismatched socks that I have yet to fold. 

Dump them from up there in the heavens, maybe their match is at someone else’s household. 

Don’t worry I won’t be selfish and waste this letter all on me, 

I’ve got kids and a husband that have their wants and needs. 

Actually, on second thought the socks for everyone will do, 

Unless you run on to a good sale on underwear, bring us some of those too. 

But, don’t forget I’m not ready to put this baby boy in whitey tightys just yet. 

Size 7 diapers for his little tooshy is he should get! 

Santa for Christmas this year my list might be long, 

But why don’t you be a dear and just play along. 

In all seriousness, I have the same needs as every ranch wife. 

For a life rich in memories and free from strife. 

If you could just make it rain in 2024 at just the right time. 

That would be a gift in itself that wouldn’t cost you a dime. 

Please knock these interest rates down to a level we can manage. 

Give the banker lots of patience and tell him not to be so savage. 

Sort out these markets so we can another year make it through. 

We are gritty and tough folk, but we need a fair playing field too. 

Keep my neighbors and my family safe and in good health. 

And may all the businesses in town stay afloat as we spread around a little farmer & rancher wealth. 

Santa bring us some hope that a legacy we can pass on. 

The best gift of all would be seeing our grandkids ride this ranch at dawn. 

I’m getting a little windy and even a little misty eyed. 

Santa, I just want us all to be able to prosper, be free, and in the country way of life, THRIVE! 






Join me right back here next week as I bring you more ag news from our nation’s capital.  

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Karina ranches with her husband, Marty, and 4 children near Broken Bow, NE. She grew up in western NE, with roots also in southwest SD. The cattle industry and raising kids is her passion.

Tune in Fridays on The Hot Barn Report, where she deep dives into cattle industry issues and highlights industry reforms or listen to Ranch Raised with Karina Jones a slice of daily life on the Jones Ranch.

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