Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 148

Speaking of spring to do list, I want to talk about a product that is always a part of our spring calf vaccination protocol and also the exclusive sponsor of Ranch Raised during the month of May. Which is pretty fitting during “Beef Month”! [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 147

What comes after Mother’s Day?????
Thanks for tuning into Ranch Raised! Everyone knows that after Mother’s Day comes Father’s Day. Today is Father’s Day at the Jones Ranch, I mean fertility testing day. The day when we see who will be a father to the next generation of ranch calves and who fails the test. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 146

So, yesterday was nationally known as Mother’s Day, but to most of us who ranch, it was more commonly kept as just another spring Sunday. I have honestly never been the celebratory type, so keeping the day regular and checking off the spring to do list, along side of my family, probably brings me the greatest satisfaction. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 145

Welcome to our first Fun, Fact Friday in May. By now I think I have made it clear that I dedicate Friday’s to giving you fun, facts about certain whole food items in your grocery and promoting American agriculture. During the month of May, I am putting that concept into hyper drive and plan to use Fridays to talk about the food commodity that is the foundation of my existence, cattle which translates to beef. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 144

I know I am behind my usual schedule for my garden. By now I usually have all my root crops in and my cool season greens. And frankly, the April wind left me battered and beaten and honestly avoiding working in my garden. But, the spring moisture has finally arrived and this damp crisp air has me invigorated to lay in garden rows of cool season crops like radishes, greens and root crops. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 143

Yesterday started some of my girls most favorite work, AIing their cattle. It was a big surprise to have one of the heifers that was just shown 48 hours earlier and earned some top honors, come into heat yesterday. But that is the priority, making cows first and doing some showing on the side. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 142

Before long, these hills will awaken from their long winter naps and come alive with a fresh, vibrant landscape. We hustle around to help all of our neighbors work their spring calves and enjoy a bit of friendly company with those that enjoy the same way of life that we do. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 141

There is no better time of year to share about life on the ranch than spring! We just had a warm, spring shower pass through and I think I saw my chives grow 6 inches before my eyes and I’m just sure that is the sound of brome grass I hear growing out in the pastures. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 140

If spring was a color it would be green and there is no doubt that right now spring greens are popping up in gardens across America. As the days warm up and we all turn to being more active and outside, it is natural that we all pivot from those fall and winter comfort foods to lighter eating fair. [READ MORE…]