Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 234

I have been doing a lot of thinking about this subject after I listened to a recent podcast on the Old Fashion On Purpose channel. We have become a nation that decades ago started abandoning the principle that the home was a place of production and instead morphed into this place of consumption. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 233

As I left off yesterday telling you about my productive canning weekend, I also left you with a teaser. I am not an avid podcast listener. I want to be because there are so many great ones out there that appeal to me, but I always forget to put podcasts on in the car or when I’m folding laundry. But this weekend. I thought “why not fill the kitchen with some background noise while canning?!?” [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 232

Our family split up this weekend to divide and conquer! My husband took my older girls, heifers, and goats to the Nebraska State Fair for the FFA show weekend. By all accounts they had a great time together, but came home pretty darn tired. [READ MORE…]