Karina Jones is a real-life ranch wife in the Nebraska Sandhills and one of the most highly sought-after speakers in the cattle industry nationwide!
Welcome to the first full week of this brand new month and thanks for spending it with me, right here on Ranch Raised!
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, I am going to really try to make a concentrated effort to focus on gratefulness instead of the challenges, problems, and anxiety that I can let take over, especially in the chapter of life that we are in currently.
This morning my gratitude started right at the peak of the day. Our 14-year-old daughter came rushing back into the house from the barn with a huge smile on her face and a little surprise in the palm of her hand. See we got a new group of pullets a few weeks back from a young man who is very involved in our county 4-H poultry program. My girls delight in picking out pretty at least one of every breed he has to offer. I had suspected some of the pullets had started laying, but it can be hard to tell because we have a few bantams in the mix that naturally lay smaller eggs. But this morning the kids would find a beautiful robin’s egg blue chicken egg in the barn! You would think they struck gold! We have never had a blue egg layer, so it is truly a fun find.
And in that moment, I realized how grateful I am for this way of life! A life that provides my kids with delights as simple as blue chicken egg. A life where they can spend time outdoors and in the barn first thing in the morning, even on weekdays.
So find the small things you are grateful for and have a great day!

Karina ranches with her husband, Marty, and 4 children near Broken Bow, NE. She grew up in western NE, with roots also in southwest SD. The cattle industry and raising kids is her passion.
Watching the cattle industry go the path that it has gone, she could no longer sit quietly at home checking cows, fixing fence, and doing all the everyday tasks wondering when some else was going to make it all better. As she became more active and outspoken on industry issues, she was asked to join the R-CALF USA staff in September 2020 as the Checkoff Petition Campaign manager. That position transcended into her former role as full time Field Director for R-CALF USA.
Listen to Ranch Raised on a Your Ag Network hometown station or www.youragnetwork.com where she talks about her daily life on the Jones Ranch.
Cattle producers are her people. She will meet you at the county fair, at the sale barn, or anywhere the dusty trail leads.
karina@youragnetwork.com or visit facebook.com/ranchraisedwithkarinajones
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