A quick roundup of this weeks offering at THEE BIGGEST sale barns across the Midwest!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Welcome to a Monday, never fun day, edition of America’s Hot Barn Report on this great American radio station. Got a big week lined up with some important interviews concerning the beef industry also our own rising star ranch raised Karina Jones will be in on Friday to enlighten you on policy and mandatory country of origin labeling progress which by the way seems good…
At the board of trade last week October live cattle, formerly known as fat cattle, closed down to a meager 122.80… which further adds fuel to the fire of the impending war between, packers, producers and politicians… and for once its feels like a lot of the politicians are on the side of the common man instead of the big four. For those that are seeking re-election in rural states… that might be a good idea, that’s just my personal opinion and not necessarily the opinion of this great American radio station… although chances are it is… Confused? Me too.
Hog, sheep and goat sale goin’ down today at the Platte Livestock Market, but, hold your horses… the big annual BBQ sale and R-CalfUSA rollover auction will go down this Wednesday… just a massive calf and yearling sale featuring a plethora of char cross and limousine cross packages, take a gander at the all-star lineup and buy safely online at cattleusa.com. You’ll wanna be in the seats for the free BBQ and ice cream at the PLM, meet the folks from R-CalfUSA and Sioux Steel Company at this meeting of the tribes in Platte So Dak!
Regular sale this week at the ALL NEW North Platte Stockyards… got a horse sale coming up next week on the 28th, Horses are red hot right now (allegedly) so come get some!
Regular weekly yearling and market cow sale this week at Lemmon Livestock. Buy em up at CattleUSA.com!
Special fall calf and yearling sale this week at Bassett Livestock Auction. Over 4500 head of the best that walk straight out of the famous Sandhills of Nebraska… an area that makes Texas look like a petting zoo… oh I will get hate mail on that one…. Shovel Dot Ranch, Twin Creek Ranch and the Arrow C -box B just a few that will be representin…
The Volmer clan are all in this week with a big feeder calf and customer appreciation sale in Presho South Dakota… big runs of west river feeders and yearlings from Thomas Land and Cattle, Raven Angus and the Whipple Ranch… free vittles to boot! See what’s cookin at presholivestock.com.
Big fall run this Thursday at Mobridge Livestock. Feeders and yearlings trailed in off the Cheyenne River and Standing Rock nations and the high plains of North Dakota as well.
Monte James for America’s Hot Barn Report saying travel safe and keep eating that American beef!
Lemmon Livestock, INC.
Presho Livestock Auction
Mobridge Livestock
Platte Livestock Market
Stockmen’s Livestock
Lamoni Livestock Auction
Crawford Livestock Market
North Platte Stockyards
Bassett Livestock Auction