HOT BARN REPORT: Special Interview with Mitch Barthel – Tri-County Stockyards Motley, MN

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HOT BARN REPORT: Special Interview with Mitch Barthel - Tri-County Stockyards Motley, MN

THEE Hot Barn Report!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at!

Special Interview: Mitch Barthel – Tri-County Stockyards Motley, MN
Join host Monte James for this special interview with our NEWEST reporting barn on today’s Hot Barn Report.

Time tested and true, local auction markets are still the most reliable, secure way for you to sell livestock.

Livestock auction markets protect you by acting as the agent to transfer ownership from the seller to the buyers. They assume the risk of non payment for a small cost of commission.

You receive immediate payment backed by a bonded and regulated account.

Your best interests will be met when your cattle are represented by the marketing professionals at your livestock auction market.

To find out more about how to market your livestock in the industry’s most proven, secure and reliable way, contact Tri-CountyStockyards, Inc. at 218-352-6546 or

Fair and Competitive Price.
Paid in Full.
Paid on Time.

Welcome to another edition of the epic saga known as the Hot Barn Report
We continue to expand to new towns like Waverly Iowa, Sturgis South Dakota, Hettinger North Dakota and Broken Bow Nebraska. If you think your local salebarn has the right stuff to be a HBR “true price discovery” reporting barn email Monte James at

The ALL STAR lineup
🔥Stockmen’s Livestock – Fat Cattle TUESDAY & Feeders on WEDNESDAY
🔥Platte Livestock Market – Hogs, Sheep & Goats on MONDAY & Feeders on WEDNESDAY
🔥Creighton Livestock Market – Feeder Calf Sale TUESDAY
🔥Bassett Livestock Auction – WEDNESDAY Sales
🔥North Platte Stockyards – Sales on TUESDAY
🔥Ogallala Livestock Auction Market – Sales on WEDNESDAY
🔥Lemmon Livestock, INC. – Sales on WEDNESDAY
🔥Mobridge Livestock – Sales on TUESDAY & THURSDAY
🔥Presho Livestock Auction – Sales on THURSDAY & MONTHLY horse sale
🔥Torrington Livestock – Sales on FRIDAY
🔥Buy ’em up online at

The HOTTEST sale barns in America
As always buy ’em up online at

Click for more of the Hot Barn Report

Click image above to learn more about Sioux Steel Company livestock equipment and grain storage solutions.

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