Hot Barn Report

HOT BARN REPORT: R-Calf USA Friday with Karina Jones

Now that the cards are dealt and the new Fisher/Grassley bill has been put on the table, it is easy to see, we have been duped. This should be called the “compromised bill” because that is exactly what this bill does, it compromises our future in the cattle industry and sets a dangerous precedence to regionalize our country when regarding other future laws. [READ MORE…]

Hot Barn Report

HOT BARN REPORT: R-Calf USA Friday with Karina Jones

These are price discovery centers where sellers of cattle meet with buyers of cattle to take part in the greatest business transaction in the American economy! It is a cattle producers dream scenario, multiple buyers, a competitive bidding process, and reporting of the transaction in real time on that marquis sign above the sale ring in addition to post sale reporting. And for those that are really lucky you round out the day with that perfect piece of sale barn café pie! [READ MORE…]

Hot Barn Report

HOT BARN REPORT: R-Calf USA Friday with Karina Jones

It has taken me a lot of chocolate to get through this week, which means I have a lot to recap for you!
First of all, Texas A&M submitted a book, literally a book to the House Ag Committee last week that was entered in to testimony for the hearing on the state of the livestock industry. It literally denounced all the reforms that cattle producers like you and I are working for because after all, sitting behind a desk with their keyboard, they apparently know the woes of you and I’s business better than we do. [READ MORE…]