From Washington with John Block

Washington with John Block: Russia – Ukraine

What is at the top of our list of worries today? Ukraine. Russia has 150,000 troops surrounding Ukraine. By the time you hear this radio program, we may know if Russia is really going to invade Ukraine. President Biden and Russian President Putin have agreed to meet this coming Sunday. We need to work out some kind of compromise. [READ MORE…]

Ranch Raised

Ranch Raised – Episode 92

“We need to abandon the cut and dried formula of a period when a man was ‘educated’ only when he knew Greek and Latin.” 1905, Henry Wallace, Editor Wallace’s Farmer. I immediately felt that when I read that quote! 117 years later and I feel like we are coming full circle. There may be no better time than now than to celebrate and fight for ag education and FFA in our school. [READ MORE…]