A quick roundup of this weeks offering at THEE BIGGEST sale barns across the Midwest!
Big tip of the hat to Karina Jones with her cutting-edge interview with Senator John Thune regarding the Thune, Rounds, Tester, Booker bill concerning mandatory country of origin labeling for us be. If you are even remotely connected to the beef industry from rancher to burger flipper, do you self a favor and listen to the interview and hear the latest news direct from Washington D.C.
The week got off to another tuff start with packer manipulation driving October live cattle contracts down to 122.27 on Monday. October feeders closed down at 155.45. October lean hogs at 80.77… but for those producers that chose the live auction method featuring buyers in the seats and nationwide bevy of buyers on cattleusa.com they saw the fruits of their labors – 680 pound red and black yearling steers fetch 169 at Mobridge Livestock. 800 pound black heifers out of Miles City, Montana went for 157.25. Out west in the Nebraska panhandle 720 pound black steers hit 166.80 and there were some good deals to be had on lighter greener packages for you feeders with corn-o-plenty.
Big sale goin down today at the ALL NEW North Platte Stockyards. Big runs trailed into the NP from the world-famous Monahan Cattle Company where they still have their cows with draft horses… here’s 120 head of black spayed a reputation set from our friend Danny Arensdorf. Feeders and order buyers tune into this epic sale at cattleusa.com.
One of the nation’s top fat cattle sales today at Stockmen’s Livestock in Yanktown Greg Ryken has orchestrated a big feeder calf sale Wednesday with calves rolling in from Correctionville, Iowa to Battle Creek, Nebraska. Speaking of important sales… they are all in Wednesday at Lemmon Livestock with a big yearling and bred heifer shindig. Here’s 35 angus heifers bred black calving march 28th for 42 days off the Flying F Ranch. Another 36 head off the K and K calving April 8th for 25 days.. Tune in and turn on to cattelusa.com and get some!
To our Norski listeners on our 4 Minnesota affiliates… first of all sorry about the Vikings, Cousins isn’t ya boi…what’s more Platte Livestock Market will feature a complete dairy herd dispersion milking even as I speak. Next week is the BIG BBQ sale and R-CalfUSA roll over at PLM. We will see you there!
No sale at Bassett Livestock Auction, or Lamoni Livestock this week.
Special weigh up sales at both Crawford Livestock and Mobridge Livestock this week.
Monte James for America’s Hot Barn Report saying travel safe and keep eating that American beef!
Lemmon Livestock, INC.
Presho Livestock Auction
Mobridge Livestock
Platte Livestock Market
Stockmen’s Livestock
Lamoni Livestock Auction
Crawford Livestock Market
North Platte Stockyards
Bassett Livestock Auction