Welcome to the Friday edition of the HOT BARN REPORT
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Karina Jones, Field Director for R-Calf USA joins us each Friday from her ranch in the heart of Nebraska covering what’s new and important to the family farm and ranch.
This week I did some travelling throughout the Hot Barn territory. I was a part of the cattle convey to Cowtown and gave Bassett Livestock a big salute, as I headed north on my maiden voyage to Platte Livestock for their annual BBQ sale and special R-CALF USA calf sale fundraiser! Huge thanks to Marshall, Scott, Brad and crew for a spectacular day. The fundraiser could not have happened without the donation of a yearling steer by James Fulwider and Kevin Talsma. It was a full house in Platte and I left full of ambition to serve the very cattle producers and local business that supported R-CALF USA!
As I have been zig zagging all over the Midwest the last few weeks, I have yet to find one person that has come up to me to tell me that they are in opposition to Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling on our beef. Maybe the opposition only exists behind cameras and keyboards and dresses like lobbyists. It sure makes me wonder because the men and women who don boots and jeans and show up to sale barns, county fairs and the main street cafés that I talk with are not just 100% behind M-COOL, they are 1000%. It is a non-negotiable for the profitability of our cattle industry.
You know what else is non-negotiable, competition, specifically competition for American fat cattle! Right now, there is none. Right now, we have to stand firm and demand it. That is exactly what the 50/14, Spot Market Bill is designed to do. Folks, 50/14 and MCOOL go hand in hand. M-COOL creates demand for American born, raised, and harvested beef which in turn will create demand for the very cattle that you and I raise. 50/14 ensures that 50% of the cattle acquired by the Big 4, per plant will be purchased in the cash market!
I watched draft after draft of yearlings and calves sell this week at Platte Livestock. Not once was the transaction taking place in the ring not clearly visible on the marquis. Not once was there a buyer who shot out one bid and said, “take it or leave it.” What takes place in American auction markets day in and day out is honest, transparent price discovery for one man’s commodity valued by a multiple interested parties who determine the worth of those cattle right there in an open ring. It is the most honest, American business transaction you will ever witness!
Cattle producers and consumers must do the heavy lifting with us to save this cattle industry and secure our domestic beef supply! Dial up that capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and tell both of your Senators to co-sponsor S. 949 the 50/14 Spot Market Bill and S. 2716, the American Beef Labeling Act!
Lemmon Livestock, INC.
Presho Livestock Auction
Mobridge Livestock
Platte Livestock Market
Stockmen’s Livestock
Lamoni Livestock Auction
Crawford Livestock Market
North Platte Stockyards
Bassett Livestock Auction