Welcome to the Friday edition of the HOT BARN REPORT
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Karina Jones, Field Director for R-Calf USA joins us each Friday from her ranch in the heart of Nebraska covering what’s new and important to the family farm and ranch.
In this week’s edition of “as the world turns in the cattle industry”
The truth is nothing is turning in the fat cattle market. It is stagnant and it stinks! Can I tell you about completely intentional consequences of doing nothing about this situation, fewer buyers in the barns! Yep, across the corn belt there will be some feed wagons that collect dust, if they don’t get sold on a farm sale this fall. When there is no cash market for independent feeders to sell in to, vertical integration continues to bleed out the very men and women who have no more equity to bleed. And thus, less players in a system trying to force us to vertically integrate.
We have to be precise. We have to draw the line in the sand and require a minimum percentage of 50% of fat cattle be purchased in the cash market. Make ‘em bid, you know kind of like we do out here in the country at our auction markets!
But some groups are uncomfortable with precision. So now, rather than standing behind and supporting a particular reform measure that is ready for congressional action, they instead hem and haw about what percentage should be required – should it be 50%? 30%? 50% more than whatever it is today? Or shouldn’t we just leave it up to the government to decide what it should be?
Don’t get confused. Don’t water this issue down. And let’s all remind ourselves that even Texas is under the same tax code as the northern plains, so regional mandates will never hold any water. 50/14 will rise the tide!
Another issue that requires our precision is M-COOL! The American Beef Labeling Act can reinstate competition for beef at the grocery store, which is what is needed to empower consumers to help us build demand for USA cattle.
While we can’t change those who choose to be Loosey Goosey and imprecise, we can continue being particular when we talk to Congress. That capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121! If you value the American cattle industry and the American beef you want to serve on your table, call your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor S. 949 the 50/14 Spot Market Bill and S. 2716 the American Beef Labeling Act which will restore Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling on beef!
BREAKING NEWS today, a judge in the US District Court in the District of Columbia, denied, let me say that again DENIED the USDA’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit regarding the Beef Checkoff. The court wrote that the ranchers have successfully alleged they have “associational standing” to challenge USDA’s practices. The case will proceed to discovery, through which we may be able to glean more details about Big Ag’s influence on the Beef Checkoff…wink, wink!
Tune in to www.cattleusa.com today, call the trucks point them towards western Nebraska and check out the studs coming to Crawford Livestock, like the kind from Dyesville Angus! thanks to these salebarns for making this show possible, Stockmen’s livestock, Lamoni livestock, Platte livestock market, Bassett livestock auction, Mobridge livestock, Lemmon livestock, Presho livestock, north Platte stockyards, Crawford livestock market and cattleusa.com! Karina Jones for America’s Hot barn Report!
Lemmon Livestock, INC.
Presho Livestock Auction
Mobridge Livestock
Platte Livestock Market
Stockmen’s Livestock
Lamoni Livestock Auction
Crawford Livestock Market
North Platte Stockyards
Bassett Livestock Auction