Welcome to the Friday edition of the HOT BARN REPORT
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Karina Jones, Field Director for R-Calf USA joins us each Friday from her ranch in the heart of Nebraska covering what’s new and important to the family farm and ranch.
Welcome to a special Trick or Treat special edition of Hot Barn Report!
For months the United States Department of Agriculture had been putting out strong messaging about TREATING American agriculture as a priority. But I think we have been TRICKED! The USDA recently announced they will be granting $10 MILLION dollars as their first investment in cellular research and development. Our own USDA is backing a new Institute of Cellular Agriculture which will be located at Tufts University. Which is located in Massachusetts. I admit, I had to look that up. Boy, seems like we’ve dealt the ole bait and switch. How does investing in lab grown food create a stronger and more resilient rural America?
Back in the spring of 2020, a group of cattle producers put out a petition demanding that Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling be reinstated on beef. What a TREAT it was to see over 430,000 cattle producers and consumers quickly signing on. But I feel TRICKED by some members of Congress that continue to ignore the fact that reinstating MCOOL would be a real TREAT for American cattle producers and consumers. Instead, they continue to stand by as consumers are TRICKED into thinking that the “Product of the USA” label on beef actually means that, which it does not. It means that the beef was only minimally processed in the USA as if it was simply reshrink wrapped after coming in on a boat. It was a HUGE TREAT to see a bi-partisan introduction of the American Beef Labeling Act, S. 2716. As cattle producers and consumers have been able to show their support for MCOOL by signing the aforementioned petition, we are excited to announce that there is a broad-based coalition sign on letter that has just been launched. It invites county, local, state and national organizations such as farm, ranch, faith, manufacturing and cattle industry support businesses like the feed store and sale barns to announce their support for reinstating MCOOL on beef! Your business or organization can sign the letter at www.LabelOurBeef.com by November 19. No trick here folks, already 40 entities from around the country have signed to this letter on in the first 24 hours!
If you want a treat of the bovine variety tune in to CattleUSA.com today and turn on Crawford Livestock Market. Long strings of the good kind coming to Crawford! Hey, even my old math teacher Mrs. Ahrens has their steers in the offering today! See good people, good cattle, and really good pie at Crawford Livestock!
Thank you to other Hot Barns that power this program. Watch for fall run offerings next week at Presho Livestock, North Platte Stockyards, Lemmon Livestock, Platte Livestock Market, Bassett Livestock Auction, Mobridge Livestock and Stockmans Livestock in Yankton!
Check out more stories and the daily markets at YourAgNetwork.com and my brand-new daily program Ranch Raised.
Stay safe out there this Halloween weekend! Watch out for all those little ghosts and goblins.
Lemmon Livestock, INC.
Presho Livestock Auction
Mobridge Livestock
Platte Livestock Market
Stockmen’s Livestock
Crawford Livestock Market
North Platte Stockyards
Bassett Livestock Auction