THEE Hot Barn Report!
Heard ONLY on American radio stations across the nation and online at hotbarnreport.com!
Wow the year is already going fast… welcome to a Monday January 10th edition of America’s Hot Barn Report. Monte James back in the studio fresh off a Nebraska panhandle and West River South Dakota road trip. Shout out to our affiliates KQSK in Chadron… not Chad Ron Nebraska and check these call letters out KCOW in Alliance Nebraska! I like it!
Let’s get right to the meat of it… pun intended. Crawford Livestock was on fire last Friday at the big R-CalfUSA Rollover sale we attended. Check this out, a pen of black steers from Hunter Cattle Company averaging 531 pounds fetched a whopping 211. Their sisters weighing 515 sold for 192, nice to see cattle prices gaining steam and we feel that Secretary of Ag Tom Vilsack of Iowa certainly is on the side of independent ranchers, feeders and small packers rather than the big 4, Nuff said.
Regular sale tomorrow at North Platte Stockyards.
A special bred cow and heifer sale tomorrow at our newest reporting barn Creighton Livestock Market. See a sale preview at Hot Barn Report on Facebook with Ryan Seek, a new barn owner and a mixture of Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise when it comes to doing selfie videos.
We are almost at 5000 followers on HBR Facebook, join our happy little fam-damily won’t you?
Nice run of bred cows and heifers on the… uh… bred cow and heifer sale tomorrow at Platte Livestock Market plus a very special calf and yearling sale on Wednesday… Hogs, sheep, and goats on a very busy week at PLM. If you tired of watching the bird cage at the old folks home, watch the always wild PLM goat sale today at CattleUSA.com, you’ll think it was round 10 of the NFR!
Big sale day Wednesday at Bassett Livestock Auction. Our very own Karina Jones and her hubby Marty will be proffering 230 black steers and heifers from 550 to 650 coming up out the heart of the sandhills. Quick story on how ranch life works… I bought one of those cool big metal ranch signs fabricated by welding artist Lance Oatman, the pride of Broken Bow Nebraska. Problem was getting in from the Bow to our ranch in Bassett. Karina heard my dilemma and said, “Hey we’re selling calves (or as she says kivs) at the sale in Bassett. We’ll grab it when we go through Broken Bow and bring it up to ya.” That’s how it goes down in ranch country…hell yeah!
Weigh up sale today at Stockmen’s Livestock, one of the top fat cattle sales in the nation on Tuesday. Massive feeder calf sale on hump day, bred females on Friday at legendary Stockmen’s.
A huge offering of weaned feeder calves Wednesday at Lemmon Livestock up on the North and South Dakota border… see what’s cooking at lemmonlivestock.com.
A tremendous run of Norski feeder this Thursday at Mobridge Livestock. Another all-German lineup from Steinmetz, Ulrich, Kilzer, Rausch, Sprenger, and Thorstenson and son… and the son of Throstoneson son. Get it? Me neither…
Bred cow and female sale Thursday at Presho Livestock featuring some complete dispersions! Details forthcoming.
Monte James for America’s Hot Barn Report saying travel safe and keep eating that American beef!
Creighton Livestock Market
Lemmon Livestock, INC.
Presho Livestock Auction
Mobridge Livestock
Platte Livestock Market
Stockmen’s Livestock
Crawford Livestock Market
North Platte Stockyards
Bassett Livestock Auction