
HOT BARN REPORT: Talking favorite beef entrees with Sarah Metzler from the CBB/Checkoff! I was so inspired I went out and had this Morgan Ranch Strip at Morrie’s Steakhouse in Sioux Falls! Top 5 of all time!

The Hot Barn Report is a fast paced and entertaining daily program covering the latest news and trends in the cattle industry, hosted by Monte James, a veteran rodeo announcer, radio host and industry expert! The Hot Barn Report features interviews with industry leaders, market analysts, producers and ranchers and features True Price Discovery from salebarns in Great Northern Beef Belt and across the nation.



HOT BARN REPORT: Special Interview with Mitch Barthel Owner of Tri-County Stockyards!

The Hot Barn Report is a fast paced and entertaining daily program covering the latest news and trends in the cattle industry, hosted by Monte James, a veteran rodeo announcer, radio host and industry expert! The Hot Barn Report features interviews with industry leaders, market analysts, producers and ranchers and features True Price Discovery from salebarns in Great Northern Beef Belt and across the nation.



Ranch Raised with Karina Jones – Welcome to National FFA Week!

The agriculture industry is hungry to bring our youth alongside and to help develop their skills in hopes of them having a long-term future adding value to our industry. Their minds are young and bright.  If you have an interest in working alongside our ag youth, reach out to your local FFA chapter and create a relationship! 

So let’s just sign off today saying stay safe, stay healthy, drink your water, wash your hands, and cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. Okay, that should cover it!  [READ MORE…]


Ranch Raised with Karina Jones – Cold & Flu Season!

I know we are all doing the best we can to keep our families and communities healthy. Thank you to the medical personnel who are walking alongside their communities during cold and flu season.  

So let’s just sign off today saying stay safe, stay healthy, drink your water, wash your hands, and cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. Okay, that should cover it!  [READ MORE…]